+Table of Contents

Dance Technology: Introduction and Basic References


What is dance technology ? Why is it important ?

Here the word “dance” is most often associated with visual accompaniment to music through human motion in an artistic setting. It also can be used to describe process-oriented social interaction, as well motion-controlled gaming and ancillary gestures in musical performance.

Sensor technology and human-computer interaction (HCI) expand the meaning and application of dance in all of the above contexts.

Reading Suggestion

The field of dance technology is vast and has received much attention from academic in the past 15 years, especially in regards to interactive dance.

Though literature on dance itself date back hundred of years, how to specifically integrate technology is a more recent problem. As a result, there is much contraction among academics on terminology, taxonomy and applications.

What follows is a list of recent articles selected for their popularity and comprehensiveness. Though it serves as a good introduction to the field, it should by no means be treated as cannon.

To start with:

Basic References: General Articles

Nine more excellent general articles (alphabetical by author):

Complementary Resources

Further reading into sensors, telecommunications, aesthetics, etc. as they relate to dance technology:

Most articles listed on this page are available in full text through www.jstor.org. A few can be accessed online without subscription through scholar.google.com. University libraries will have access to all papers, they remain the best source for this type of information.